Strengths-Based Leadership – CPD Seminar (Nov 9, 2019)

Are you a leader that people loves to follow?

在這兩小時的分享, 我們將為你揭示成功領袖吸引追隨者的特質, 和你能夠如何將你天賦才能轉化成你獨有的領導力.
In this 2-hours seminar, we’ll reveal to you what makes people follow a leader and how you can turn your innate talents into your leadership strengths.

Date: Nov 9, 2019 (Saturday) 
Time: 10:00 – 12:00
Venue: Preston Training Centre, North Point.
Fee: HK$300
CPD/PDU: 2 (Attendance Certificate to be Provided)
Enquiry: 6336 0874 (Ms. Vicky Chow)

有關活動詳請, 請參閱宣傳單張
For detail, please refer to the flyer HERE

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