Vicky Chow
Founder & Chief Consultant

Individualization | Empathy | Futuristic | Connectedness | Intellection

“Even If I’m Not Better, At Least I’m Different”


Hello, This is Vicky. I’m a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in Hong Kong, and also the founder of Talents Miner.

Welcome to Talents Miner!

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

Albert Einstein

We are all unique. I believe everybody is different. When a friend shared with me the book “Strength Finder 2.0” in early 2016, I was so attracted to the idea of finding people’s strengths. After taking the CliftonStrengths assessment to discover my top 5 strengths, I was amazed and finally understood why I had certain beliefs and why I had different reactions toward different situations.

I truly believe that with the strength assessment, one can discover what he/she naturally does best, learn how to develop his/her greatest talents, and use his/her customized results to live a better life. I then decided to become a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, to help more people unlock their potential, and exert their gifted talents to excel and pursue their ultimate life purpose.

I also believe that things happen for a reason. I later came across something also very interesting. Coincidentally, this is a method that can help people unfold their hidden knowledge. This is called Lego® Serious Play® Methodology. It is a powerful tool designed to enhance innovation and business performance.

Based on research that shows that this kind of hands-on, mind-on learning produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities, the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology deepens the reflection process and supports an effective dialogue – for everyone in the organization.

Again, I decided to become a Certified Facilitator in Lego® Serious Play® Method (Hereafter referred to as “LSP”).

Together with Strengths Coaching, I can leverage the two powerful tools to help people unlock their inborn talents in a more effective and systematic way.

The people-oriented approach is always the key to every success, no matter it is in interpersonal relationships or in business. I treasure all kinds of connections and relations. Every interaction is essential for learning and growth.

If you are looking for a certified strengths coach or certified facilitator in the LSP method for yourself or your team, or you are looking for any business consultancy services, please feel free to contact me. It is always my pleasure to be of help.