We are here to EMPOWER people. Through interactive workshops, we help people explore their hidden talents and maximize their potential at work and everything else.

Gallup Strengths-Based Development

2019.05.26 Strengths-Based Development Workshop ~ St. Jude’s Church
A group of working youth get together learning about their talents through interactive activities and learn how to appreciate the different talents in others.

Lego® Serious Play®

2019.03.16 RCLKF – 發揮創意, 發掘天賦, 砌出夢想未來
參與蘭桂坊扶輪社為元朗一間中學的學生提供的服務,透過 Lego® Serious Play® 發揮他們的創意,從而發掘他們的天賦,提升自信,加強表達能力,讓他們更有信心面對未來。
2019.02.16 LSP Workshop – Unlock Your Leadership Style
2019.02.02 LSP Workshop – Unlock Your Leadership Style