工作坊:打造最強向心力團隊,從領導優勢開始 Workshop: Building an Engaged Elite Team By Adopting a “Strengths-Based Leadership Approach”




  • 透過線上評估,了解領導者的領袖天賦,繼而推展至團隊的各個管理層;
  • 建立新世代溝通文化,以共同語言向各階層員工傳達公司的願景、使命和價值;
  • 靈活運用領導多樣化的天賦,以培育優秀的管理團隊;
  • 透過營造優勢為本、重視人才發展的文化,提升員工對工作的投入程度和歸屬感。

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Nowadays excellent employees concern not only the salary but whether the job is meaningful. They would like to pay more attention to the purpose of work and personal development. To reserve great people, get their heart first. As leaders, how can we discover, develop and reserve talents from a brand-new perspective? This workshop aims to showcase to top management, through a scientific approach to discover self-unique talents and strengths. By cultivating a strengths-based development mindset within the organisation, it increases employees’ engagement, thereby raising productivity and building an elite team to achieve corporate success.


  • Through an online assessment, to understand the individual employees’ talent, extend to the leadership of different team and conduct assessment;
  • Build a new communication culture with a common language to effectively deliver the company vision, mission and value to employees of all levels.
  • To use diversified leadership talent to nurture an excellent management team;
  • To create an advantage-based culture which emphasises talent development, thereby enhancing employees’ engagement and sense of ownership.

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